My Medela sits forlorn on top of our dinner table.
And there's a part of me that feels guilty each morning when I leave without my not-so-little black bag that has become my closest companion since I resumed work after my two-month maternity leave.

So, you see, this relationship is really very intimate and is incomparable to anything I have had or am still having with anyone. You can even say that I have been too clingy and dependent in this case. And this has been going on for more than nine months, which is also longer than most past relationships that I've had.
Most importantly, this is the only relationship that did not disappoint me. All that was promised, it delivered. It gave and did not take anything in return. (Well, except for my initial investment which is, of course, necessary in every relationship.) It secured for me unrivaled benefits that not even the father of my son could provide.
But numerous demands at work leave me no time to nurture this relationship. That is why I have to give this up.
But no, this is not total non-commitment - because, as in all relationships, getting over does not happen overnight. And, in my case, I relapse much too often.
So, every night, when I arrive home from work - after kissing my Qube and asking how his day was - I lock myself up in our bedroom to have a little private time with my Medela.
And emerge right back with two 5-ounce bottles full of breast milk.To be stored for Qube's consumption the following morning.
Footnote: Despite having given up my pump-at-work routine, I am still night nursing Qube, and hope to do so in the months to come.
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