these are the people who make me cry over and over again for the most petty reasons, the ones i run to during trying times, the ones who (at times) tolerate and understand my inner bitch, these are the people who i can always trust to lift my spirits each time my ego reaches an all-time low, also the ones who eat up my confidence with their incessant latik and sarcasm, the people who let me live under their roof when i abandoned mine, who let my Pasong Tamo friends use their bathroom each time their water supply gets cut off, who sometimes deplete (hehe) my budget and in return, who i trouble with unreasonable demands, the ones who put up with my perpetual sinigang craze and still willing to wait for me come mealtimes (basically because i
these are the same crowd i share countless of drinking and karaoke sessions with. and these people are a million other things to me.
my two other housemates (Don and Bonks) who are not included in this photo will definitely be introduced in my next blog posts. with individual blown-up photos, hehe