In fact, I would not have stayed this long if he is as despicable as I sometimes portray him to be (by the way, I have two bosses and both are extreme opposites).
For one, this boss strongly opposed my other boss’ proposal to have us hand in a daily, no, HOURLY activity report. He was bold enough to say that it was a stupid idea right in front of all of us auditors. Whoa. Right there and then, I wanted to give him a standing ovation (what an ass, haha). And believe me, i resisted the urge to turn and look at my other boss' reaction.
Anyways, going back to why I am doing this kiss-ass entry…
After the 3-hour long meeting meant to criticize my current project which, thank god, wasn’t butchered, I was finally able to go back to my desk to check my mails.
Here’s what I’ve found.

Gahd, I couldn’t stop laughing.
I could imagine my boss lying awake every night thinking up some ways to encourage us to be model ALI employees by coming to work at 7:30 AM. Before, he used to send email reminders to everybody to not forget that work starts at 7:30 AM and that we are not on flexi-time. When he sends these good morning emails, he is usually the only one in the office, and two or three hours would pass before any of us are able to read it. By that time, his annoyance is a thing of the past.
Months after that, he called a meeting, saying that, yes, we can come to work at 8:00 because, indeed, 7:30 is too early. Besides, we stay late working overtime naman.
Apparently, these things failed. And he has gone out of other strategies to make us come to work on time.
Our chronic lateness must have been driving him crazy already for him to resort to this kind of compromise. (Sir, seriously, this is not exactly what the company policy says. But I love it.)
So while we were still laughing our hearts out, our secretary informed us that the new internal arrangement is supposed to take effect Friday - TOMORROW. And Des and I are supposed to be the ones going to work before 7:30AM.
Well... regardless of how much I like this idea, I still had to say something.
This came in the form of: Sir, why not start Monday instead, because we are still processing the idea and our body clocks haven’t been configured to it yet.
At eto pa, what do we get as a prize for complying? Like going to work on time is not part of our natural responsibilities.
Meanwhile, inside my other boss’ cubicle, he was telling Joyce (our secretary) not to assign Des and me on the same day, because it would mean nobody coming in at all. How intuitive, hehe.
In the end, my boss conceded to our pleas to have this setup start on Monday. And as a prize for being early birds, we’ll get worms daw. He still has to figure out the acceptable equivalent of those worms.
Hmmm… a rating higher than 4, perhaps?
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